3 mei ging de Google Analytics Business Conference door in Brussel, het eerste event van Bloovi rond de krachtige tool Google Analytics. Kan je er zelf niet bij zijn? Geen probleem, regelmatig posten we hier updates met het belangrijkste nieuws en de meest treffende inzichten. Verder kan je alles ook volgen op Twitter via #GABC12.

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Bart De Waele - Wijs

Bezoekers volgen een bepaald model "scan-focus-behavior" OF "scan-behavior-focus"

Welke ze volgen hangt vooral af van het type bezoeker.

  • High involvement - Scan Behavior Focus (ze gaan de site scannen, ze gaan handelen naar wat ze willen bereiken en focussen. Daarna volgt (hopelijk) tevredenheid).
  • Low involvement - Scan Focus Behavior (ze gaan de site scannen en bijvoorbeeld adh het menu of bepaalde elementen focussen, daarna voeren ze een handeling uit, zoals het downloaden van een whitepaper).

Bart ging hier uiteraard veel dieper op in, met een duidelijke case. Hier een linkje naar zijn presentatie.

Deepak Aujla - Google Analytics Team : Solutions consultant

- Do I have the data sets I need?

Website analytics is te beperkt. Je moet breder gaan an je eigen site. Zoals social media bijvoorbeeld. Daar werkt Analytics nu aan en daar zullen ze ook aan blijven werken.

Sinds kort kan je nu met Analytics ook apps tracken die geen javascript gebruiken. Zelfs QR codes zijn mogelijk, iemand scant en jij kan zien wie of wat en welk toestel.

- How do I identify optimisation opportunities

Industriegemiddelde is bijvoorbeeld 5% conversie. Daar zou je niet mogen naar kijken. Want dat betekent een Faal-gemiddelde van 95%

Ga na wat je kan verbeteren - stel een focus vast, waar je naartoe wil met je online business: meer sales? meer brand bekendheid?

Welke acties kan je vervolgens ondernemen? Bepaal dus wat precies het belangrijkste is om te meten of je de goeie richting uitgaat. Gebruik daarvoor de Advanced Segments.

- Te veel (79%) websites zijn nog niet degelijk beschikbaar mobiel.

Via deze link kan je dat testen voor je eigen of een andere site: hoe ziet mijn site eruit mobiel?

Toen Deepak de vraag stelde hoeveel mensen er al mobiel actief zijn op internet, stak bijna de hele zaal zijn hand op. Hoe komt het dan dat zoveel sites er nog niet mee aan de slag gegaan zijn?

- Is er een verschil tussen mobiele site en site met responsive design?

Met een mobiele site kan je veel gerichter werken, elementen implementeren om specifiek daar meer conversie uit te halen. Responsive design dient om één site overal toegankelijk te maken.

Nicolas Debray heeft het over Dashboards

Een dashboard is belangrijk, een stérke dashboard is van levensbelang. Niet alleen omdat het je veel efficiënter laat werken (snelheid), maar vooral omdat je daar al kan voor-selecteren wat belangrijk is en welke data je 'niet nodig' hebt.

Zo kan je ook verschillende dashboards maken, telkens gericht op specifieke data sets. Bijvoorbeeld SEO Dashboard, Conversion Dashboard, ...

Dashboards zijn vooral visueel, dus de slides zelf zijn hier wel nodig, daarom heeft Nicolas ze al op Slideshare gezet.

Raphael Nolens - How and Why advanced campaign tracking will lead to ROI Optimisation

5 Survival Tips

  • Distrust high CTR's - Mostly paired with a too high Bounce Rate (and sometimes it's just too expensive)
  • Challenge Effective CPM's of more then 4 EUR - This is too high
  • Distrust 'View Trough' Data but closely monitor direct visits - any peak in direct traffic is mostly a consequence of some campaign, like visual ads.
  • The likeliness to leave this website? The more people who want to leave a website, that's an interesting website to advertise on. (people are more eager to click the ad, because they want to leave anyway. Think Google for example)
  • Dare to set bold targets for your online campaigns.

Daan Goor - How to best track specific actions or events on your site

This presentation was quite elaborate, so we'll make it easy for you. Here ya go:

Kristien Segers - Google Analytics Partnerships

"We expect a massive growth in internet usage worldwide".

  • 5 billion users worldwide by 2020
  • 10 billion Mobile users worldwide! by 2020

There are 3 constants throughout the whole evolution - the 3 Be's

  • Be found
  • Be engaging
  • Be accountable - wheter you're a webmaster, ceo, product buyer, ... make sure you verify the efforts you put into your business. Google Analytics gives you solutions for that.

Gabriel Goldberg & Kelly Halfin - How to use Web Analytics to leverage seasonality and grow your business?

Often, you see the same trends in visitors each year. So you can use this "seasonality" to optimise revenue or test new stuff during slow periods.

Where to find seasonality in Google Analytics?

  • Sector Trends - Industry Seasonality, own seasonality, key events (valentine for gift cards e.g.), ...
  • Searches, Visits and Time Lag - Key peaks/downs/searches? Duration of peaks? Evolution of branded traffic? ...
  • Sales and Goals - share of revenue during high seasonality? Key vs. long-tail products? Key periods per product? Increase of conversion rate?
  • Crossing online interactions with offline sales - similar trends online/offline? Revenue per product the same online and offline? Example: if a clothing article peaks a certain period in shops, but not online, then maybe the product placement online is not good enough?

Here's the link to their presentation.

Bruno Dillen - Be careful with Data

Tip 1: "While it may seem obvious that there is a big difference between qualified and non-qualified traffic, we see - time and time again - campaigns and websites being judged mainly on total volume."

So you have to analyse who these visitors are, are they valuable for your website? Do they generate revenue?

Tip 2: "Everything can be measured with AdWords, so make sure you measure everything. All KPI's should be monitored on a level as deep as possible."

After a monthly or quarterly review, don't forget to re-evaluate all parameters.

Tip 3: "Don't ever be impressed by any data or results you are shown. Keep asking, keep digging for anything that might be relevant."

Tip 4: "Don't manage by numbers beause people will actually do anything to reach the goals you've set (even cheat a little)."

Extra: In most cases, we stop when things are good, we feel we can relax. And when it's all bad, we work extra. But this would be better (also with analytics, adwords, ...): when times are bad, relax and think about your strategies, don't throw money out the window. When it all goes smoothly, crank up the volume and go the extra mile.

Jonathan Van Parys - Business intelligence with Web Data

Quantity of data being generated and stored is exploding. So as a consequence, there's a great rise of open API's and open government data initiatives (Belgium: data.gov.be).

Another thing we notice: now it takes a few minutes to generate data, not too many years ago, it could take weeks.

Data also became flexible, you can capture exactly what you want to, no more, no less.

There's also definite data available, it's a fact, not a guess.

Chief Economist at Google, Hal Varian, said it's the most exciting time to work in data.

Tips to start working with that data

1. Collect the RIGHT data. Determine what is relevant.

2. Build the rigt interface. You can start with dashboards, but own tools and apps are recommended. The interface needs to identify what's worth saying and help say it intelligibly. (e.g. information hierarchy, a good interface will tell me what to look at). There also needs to be interactive navigation, you should be able to dig deeper in a matter of seconds.

Check "How We Browse the Web" to get specific and interesting stats about web traffic and search in Belgium.

Siegert Dierickx - Get feedback from visitors and customers

Integrate the survey data with GA Data.

5 Tips to take away

1. Don't be agressive (popups)

2. Keep it simple (stick with the essence)

3. Be prepared and organised (Example: if you ask an email adress, they mostly want to be contacted, make sure you can and you do)

4. Apply a solution with built-in reporting segmentation and correlation flexibility.

5. Frequency! Don't stop after 1 round of insights. (A continuous and ongoing survey system provides you with much greater insight then running a survey for a single campaign. As it is with Analytics data).

Keynote Chris Anderson - Measuring the value of Social Media

There are 3 problems

  • Difficult to link to business value
  • Complexity of the social space - People vote, post, share, save and speak. 360 view of actions is hard to pull together
  • Off-site interaction - data silo's where you don't have access to

Google Analytics - Introducing Social Reports

Measure & Optimize the impact of social media

  • Conversions - Make social accountable (link social activity to conversion metrics - measure upper and lower bound social impact figures)
  • Social Sources (Determine which social networks drive visits & conversions - Identify most popular social content)
  • Off-site Activities (Gain insight into customer actions across social networks)
  • On-site activities - via social plugins (Understand how users engage with content on-site)