
Farmaline is part of Shop Apotheke Europe and is one of Europe’s biggest online pharmacies. The public listed company has sites in Tongeren (Belgium), Venlo (the Netherlands) and Cologne (Germany). Farmaline has websites for The Benelux, Italy, Spain, UK, Switzerland and is internationally expanding. On the Farmaline website customers can order more than 50,000 products from the world of health and beauty at an excellent price. Our offers include pharmaceutical drugs, veterinary care products and homeopathic products as well as an extensive range of beauty and care products. The company has a customer centric focus in order to provide all customers a comfortable and easy way to buy health-related products and enjoy pharmaceutical care online – with top service and innovative ideas.

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Farmaline is part of Shop Apotheke Europe and is one of Europe’s biggest online pharmacies. The public listed company has sites in Tongeren (Belgium), Venlo (the Netherlands) and Cologne (Germany). Farmaline has websites for The Benelux, Italy, Spain, UK, Switzerland and is internationally expanding. On the Farmaline website customers can order more than 50,000 products from the world of health and beauty at an excellent price. Our offers include pharmaceutical drugs, veterinary care products and homeopathic products as well as an extensive range of beauty and care products. The company has a customer centric focus in order to provide all customers a comfortable and easy way to buy health-related products and enjoy pharmaceutical care online – with top service and innovative ideas.